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Prof. Anton Sirota

Principal Investigator

Until Summer/Fall 2014: CIN - Centre for Integrative Neuroscience
Otfried-Muller strasse 25
72076 Tübingen, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)7071 29 89160
Email: sirota[at]


Research topics

Our research is focused on the mechanisms of information representation and propagation within and across different cortical networks. Specifically, we are exploring the neurophysiological mechanisms of information transfer within and between the neocortex and hippocampus during learning (acquisition) and sleep (consolidation), as one of the key topics in learning and memory research.

Scientific approach

We employ state-of-the-art multichannel extracellular recordings in different cortical areas in behaving rats. Recordings with multichannel silicon probes allow us to sample the activity of multiple single neurons and local field potentials across multiple layers of one or several cortical areas. We employ various perturbation techniques, such as electrical stimulation and optogenetic modulation of neuronal activity. We pioneered high-resolution tracking of animal motion that allow for quantitative and precise analysis of natural behavior of the animal. Our research involves advanced signal processing and data mining, as well as computational modeling.


Minlebaev M, Colonnese M, Tsintsadze T, Sirota A*, Khazipov R* (2011) Early Gamma Oscillations Synchronize Developing Thalamus and Cortex. Science, 334(6053):226-9 (*equally contributed)

Sirota A, Montgomery S, Fujisawa S, Isomura Y, Zugaro M & Buzsaki G (2008). Entrainment of neocortical neurons and gamma oscillations by the hippocampal theta rhythm. Neuron. 60(4):683-697.

Isomura Y, Sirota A, Ozen S, Montgomery S, Mizuseki K, Henze DA, Buzsaki G (2006). Integration and segregation of activity in entorhinal-hippocampal subregions by neocortical slow oscillations. Neuron. 52(5):871-82.

Sirota A, Csicsvari J, Buhl D, Buzsaki G (2003). Communication between neocortex and hippocampus during sleep in rodents. PNAS. 100(4):2065-9.