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Dr. Steffen Gais

Principal Investigator

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität - Chair of General and Experimental Psychology (AEP)
Leopoldstraße 13
80802 München, Germany

Phone: +49-89-2180-9828
Email: gais[at]


Associated with BCCN

Name Status
Melanie Grätsch
Jakob Scherer
Annedore Pawlizki
Sewa Marchenko
Monika Schönauer
Isabella Hartwig

Research topics

  • the contribution of memory trace reactivation to memory consolidation
  • noradrenergic activity and emotional arousal as factors in memory encoding and consolidation
  • the function of sleep, especially in relation to cognitive performance

Scientific approach

Antecedents and conditions of memory retention are investigated in human subjects by the use of electrophysiological methods (EEG), fMRI and pharmacological manipulations.

Bernstein projects

Project B5 – Temporal aspects of spatial memory consolidation Steffen Gais (LMU), Stefan Glasauer (LMU), and Christian Leibold (LMU)